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HES Code Turkey: 6 Frequently Asked Questions!

HES Code Turkey: 6 Frequently Asked Questions!

HES Code Turkey is compulsory within the measures taken by the Turkish Ministry of ‎Health. For the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 disease. With the negative ‎impacts of the pandemic crisis, there are many questions such as ''What ‎does the HES application do?'' or ''How do I get it?'' 

You can find ‎answers and more information here.‎

HES ‎(HAYAT EVE SIGAR) Code in Brief ‎

HES Code Turkey is an application to take a high-level health measure in all parts of ‎life. You can find more information and short ‎answers to all the questions that will arise in your mind. Here are 3 questions.‎

1. HES Code Turkey allows you to have information about the health status of ‎the people near you. In addition to the risk of facing the danger of ‎COVID-19 while traveling. Also, your code is shared with the travel ‎company during ticket purchase.‎

2. Hayat Eve Sigar Code application provides the opportunity to make ‎your journey safer. You can take this code via SMS or the ‎application that you can download to your device.‎

3. Your code is shared with the travel company. According to ‎these codes, people-at-risk can be detected. Your travel can be ‎approved in accordance with the travel restrictions.‎

‎(Implementations are in progress to develop the application. In this ‎way, citizens will be safe.)‎

Keep Isolated with Risk Map!

You can learn about the risk intensity around you with Life Fits Into Home app. It is a monitoring ‎application that will ensure isolation to prevent the transmission and spread of the COVID-‎‎19 disease.‎
‎ ‎
According to your location, the risk map provides current information for you. With the HES ‎application, you can track the location of family members. Also, you can learn ‎whether they are in a risky area or not. You can see the closest hospitals, pharmacies, markets, ‎or public transportation stations.‎
‎ ‎
You can keep isolated by following the risky areas when using public transportation or ‎entering a crowded.‎

Residence Permit Turkey, 2020 Conditions and Required Documents

Follow The Daily Pandemic Status Via Application!

HES Code app Turkey allows you to follow the daily epidemic status. You can keep ‎track of the current number of cases at any time and find out the number of people who ‎recovered or passed away. You can easily access data such as the number of tests and the ‎number of intensive care units. Moreover, you can learn about your risk situation and take action.‎
‎ ‎
You can also get information about your health status by answering questions through the ‎application with the online test.‎

‎1-What is HES Code Turkey?‎

HES Code Turkey - Life Fits Into Home in English- provides information about the risk ‎situation of the region. Besides, whether there is a Covid-19 danger for the ‎people in the region.‎

What does exactly HES Code Turkey mean? What does the HES ‎implementation do‎? 

HES has been developed within the scope of the ‎Controlled Social Life. People will be able to learn the health ‎status of the people near you during their intercity travels. Besides, ‎when you use public transportation.‎

For instance, people who have had the disease or contact with sick ‎people are prohibited from using public transportation. For citizens who are ‎not exposed to the disease, the risk of transmission is minimized. After ‎the journey, you will be informed whether the COVID-19 status of the ‎person you are traveling with is positive or negative.‎

‎2-How to Get a HES Code Turkey?‎

If you are a foreigner and ask that "how do i get a hes code?" or "do i need a has code to travel to Turkey?"

There are two options to get your HES Code Turkey; *SMS and *Mobile App
Download Hayat Eve Sigar Application to your device via App Store ‎and Play Store.‎

HES Code Turkey is compulsory within the measures taken by the Turkish Ministry of ‎Health. For the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 disease. With the negative ‎impacts of the pandemic crisis, there are many questions such as ''What ‎does the HES application do?'' or ''How do I get it?'' 

You can find ‎answers and more information here.‎

HES ‎(HAYAT EVE SIGAR) Code in Brief ‎

HES Code Turkey is an application to take a high-level health measure in all parts of ‎life. You can find more information and short ‎answers to all the questions that will arise in your mind. Here are 3 questions.‎

1. HES Code Turkey allows you to have information about the health status of ‎the people near you. In addition to the risk of facing the danger of ‎COVID-19 while traveling. Also, your code is shared with the travel ‎company during ticket purchase.‎

2. Hayat Eve Sigar Code application provides the opportunity to make ‎your journey safer. You can take this code via SMS or the ‎application that you can download to your device.‎

3. Your code is shared with the travel company. According to ‎these codes, people-at-risk can be detected. Your travel can be ‎approved in accordance with the travel restrictions.‎

‎(Implementations are in progress to develop the application. In this ‎way, citizens will be safe.)‎

Keep Isolated with Risk Map!

You can learn about the risk intensity around you with Life Fits Into Home app. It is a monitoring ‎application that will ensure isolation to prevent the transmission and spread of the COVID-‎‎19 disease.‎
‎ ‎
According to your location, the risk map provides current information for you. With the HES ‎application, you can track the location of family members. Also, you can learn ‎whether they are in a risky area or not. You can see the closest hospitals, pharmacies, markets, ‎or public transportation stations.‎
‎ ‎
You can keep isolated by following the risky areas when using public transportation or ‎entering a crowded.‎

Residence Permit Turkey, 2020 Conditions and Required Documents

Follow The Daily Pandemic Status Via Application!

HES Code app Turkey allows you to follow the daily epidemic status. You can keep ‎track of the current number of cases at any time and find out the number of people who ‎recovered or passed away. You can easily access data such as the number of tests and the ‎number of intensive care units. Moreover, you can learn about your risk situation and take action.‎
‎ ‎
You can also get information about your health status by answering questions through the ‎application with the online test.‎

‎1-What is HES Code Turkey?‎

HES Code Turkey - Life Fits Into Home in English- provides information about the risk ‎situation of the region. Besides, whether there is a Covid-19 danger for the ‎people in the region.‎

What does exactly HES Code Turkey mean? What does the HES ‎implementation do‎? 

HES has been developed within the scope of the ‎Controlled Social Life. People will be able to learn the health ‎status of the people near you during their intercity travels. Besides, ‎when you use public transportation.‎

For instance, people who have had the disease or contact with sick ‎people are prohibited from using public transportation. For citizens who are ‎not exposed to the disease, the risk of transmission is minimized. After ‎the journey, you will be informed whether the COVID-19 status of the ‎person you are traveling with is positive or negative.‎

‎2-How to Get a HES Code Turkey?‎

If you are a foreigner and ask that "how do i get a hes code?" or "do i need a has code to travel to Turkey?"

There are two options to get your HES Code Turkey; *SMS and *Mobile App
Download Hayat Eve Sigar Application to your device via App Store ‎and Play Store.‎

You can easily get your code by the free application.

You can easily get your code by the free application.

3- How Will I Get HES Code via SMS and Mobile App in Turkey?‎

"I am not a Turkish Citizen. Should I still provide a HES Code?"

HES Code Turkey application has two conditions for foreign nationals to obtain a code. Foreigners who come to Turkey for any ‎purpose ‎must obtain code to fly domestic flights. For the intercity ‎travels, ‎foreigners must obtain a code again on any GSM line via SMS.‎

SMS to be sent is as follows;‎

HES> Nationality Code> Passport Serial Number> Date of Birth> ‎Surname> ‎SEND your SMS to 2023‎

In addition, a tourist who does not have a Code is not allowed to ‎enter ‎the accommodation areas. So, it will be approved and processed ‎after it is ‎confirmed whether there is any risk during the reservation or ‎during the ‎transactions.‎

‎4-Is Turkey HES Code Implementation Reliable?‎

HES Code Turkey is personally generated. Life Fits Into Home Code ‎application stands out as a reliable application with different codes ‎specific to each share.

So, no need to share your personal information ‎such as your identity number.‎

‎5- Is Lack of HES Code an Obstacle for Travelling?‎

Passengers who do not have a HES Code Turkey will not be able to travel! It is ‎developed to protect the health of citizens and prevent the further ‎spread of the virus.‎

Passengers without Code are banned from traveling. You can ‎perform your domestic flights with the valid Hayat Eve Sigar (Life Fits Into Home) Code.‎

Passengers who do not have Code will not be able to travel!
The travel of passengers without Code is forbidden. With your ‎valid Life Fits Into Home Code, you can fly on domestic flights. ‎

If you do not have a valid HES Code Turkey, ‎

You can not buy a ticket or check-in. Also, you should pay attention to ‎the period of your HES Code in Turkey. ‎

The deadline of your code with a validity period must continue 7 days ‎after your return flight. If the validity period for your code has expired, ‎you will not be able to set out on a journey. Besides, another detail you ‎should not forget is that incorrect information will interfere with your ‎journey.‎

6-How Will I Use HES Code in Turkey?‎

Turkish HES Code might raise some questions about its usage after getting it. ‎You can confirm your HES Code by delivering to institutions and ‎organizations in Turkey. ‎

You should have a HES Code before your journeys because your info should ‎be sent for the reservation. As purchasing tickets, you should use your ‎code.‎

You will safely travel thanks to the code within the scope of Life Fits ‎Into Home implementation. You need to give your exact contact information ‎and ID Number of yours with Hayat Eve Sigar Code.‎

HES Code by The Ministry Of Health in Turkey enables us to learn about the ‎health conditions of people. Also, HES enables people to check the ‎conditions of the whole passengers. It also provides general information ‎about the healths of the passengers 24 hours before the flight.

During your real estate transactions, you must perform your ‎transactions with the code. Your HES Code in Turkey will be important in all steps of ‎your journey. If you are deemed suitable for flight after the controls ‎carried out by the Ministry of Health, your travel will be approved. ‎You can share or delete your code as long as you desire.‎

HES kodu alma işlemi nasıl yapılır? HES kodu nedir, nasıl alınır?

Details About HES Code Turkey!

*HES Code Turkey can not be used instead of a travel permit document.‎‎*Travel companies that sell tickets to passengers who do not have a ‎Hayat Eve Sigar Code will be prohibited from working for 10 days and ‎will also be imposed an administrative fine.‎

*Those who will enter the Penitentiary Institution need to have a ‎code.‎

*Having code is mandatory for Yedi Goller. Code implementation is ‎mandatory to prevent the spread of the virus in the regions where local ‎and foreign tourists visit.‎

‎* OSYM entrants who have no HES Code Turkey will be rejected by the ‎system. Entrants can find more detailed information about the HES ‎Code Turkey on the official website of the Ministry of Health.‎

‎* The validity date of the code must be later than the end of the exam.

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